Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Clown Fish

Marine tourism industry in Indonesia in Indonesia in recent years showed rapid development. This fact was shown by all local governments are trying to develop the potential of their respective regions, suitable regional autonomy demands the widest. Respective local governments trying to manage the potential for their respective regions, both in terms of culture, beauty, culture, historical heritage, the beauty of the mountains or the coastal zone.

West Sumatra, in terms of tourism has huge potential once. Tourism objects are many and spread throughout the land of Minang. One of these is the potential availability of nautical tourism in the marine environment. Supported by the location of domains in the western part Minang Sumatra Island has a coastline of more than 450 km with an area of ocean waters more than 138 759 km, including the EEZ area, it is natural that the last years this began to develop marine tourism sites along the West Sumatran coast. Several small islands located in the Gulf region and Aquatic Bunguih Padang including monkey Banana Island, Banana Island Tower, Island Kasiak, Talena Island, and Island Pasumpahan Sirandah.
Exploring Underwater Padang State by Indrawadi
Several other islands, is slowly beginning to overhaul its management continues to be a place of nautical tourism, as well as Sikuai Island, which was established three star hotel. Similarly Cubadak Island and Island in area waters Painan Cingkuak Pasisia Salatan.
Exploring Underwater Padang State by Indrawadi
Although the development of nautical tourism in the domains of Minang has started quite rapidly, but only just limited to enjoying the beauty of the island, beach or recreational fishing and tourism-bath shower. There are still many who do not know that far in the basic beauty of the sea have a much more remarkable. Diverse beauty of coral reefs with residents of ornamental fish, it makes a charming scene, which made everyone want to menyelaminya or bersnokelling ria in order to enjoy the beauty of it.
Exploring Underwater Padang State by Indrawadi
Location Bunguih Bay in the western part of Sumatra island, has the potential of underwater panorama of large, group of islands and contained charred area of the gulf is so much beauty store that has not been much in the know kemisteriusannya to be dived. Tourist divers are generally looking for objects submarines or new dive sites to be enjoyed, but most are looking for a beautiful panorama of the coral reefs are the biota that live in and associated with it. Beautiful coral reefs, among others, is determined by the diversity and richness of coral species of ornamental fish that live there.
Exploring Underwater Padang State by Indrawadi
Here the author tries to present the potential location of objects contained tourist submarine in waters off West Sumatra? and the locations closest to the city of Padang.
Exploring Underwater Padang State by Indrawadi
Banana Island Gadang

The island has a varied geomoforlogi beach with fine white sand. On the east side of the island is a reef is overgrown by various types of coral reefs. Because the location of the island is relatively near the mouth of the Batang Arau river water quality around him to make a little cloudy, but even so we still will find rocks shaped table from the genus Acropora cytherea and Acropora Hyacinthus, non-coral of the genus Acropora and soft corals are Living at depths from 0.5 meters up to a depth of 5 meters.
Exploring Underwater Padang State by Indrawadi
The underwater beauty of this island can be enjoyed simply by just bersnokelling, because our view of the relatively limited due to visibility (sight distance) are low and somewhat turbid, especially during the rainy season. Any coral reefs cover only to a depth of 5 meters, making this location more suitable only for bersnokelling, for scuba diving due to lack of suitable water clarity is relatively low.
Exploring Underwater Padang State by Indrawadi
Charred Sinyaru
Exploring Underwater Padang State by Indrawadi
For the diver who was in Padang, the title of this scorched more popularly known as the ship burned, perhaps because at this location was found the carcass of a sinking ship for some few years ago. This location is where the diving is very interesting for adventurers who like to scuba dive Wreck with depth below the water level around 15? - 20 meter.Dilokasi These divers will be able to enjoy the atmosphere other than the location of premises other coral. This location is unique in its waters which form the basis of the average hard coral (hard coral) and not sandy.
Exploring Underwater Padang State by Indrawadi
When doing dives at this location, divers will be diving in the hallways and debris wreck wrecks that creates a distinct pleasure.
Exploring Underwater Padang State by Indrawadi
Besides, divers will also see many different types of reef fish and ornamental fish are among the debris bersileweran vessel, even for divers who have never seen a shark while doing diving, nah .. at this location will be able to see it. Watching a shark during a dive in the actual delivery of a pleasure by itself and must get rid of the opinion that the shark will eat us.
Exploring Underwater Padang State by Indrawadi
Charred Suar

Is a cluster of rocks that have not come to the surface, and at this location installed lighthouse that served as signposts sea shipping traffic. At the time of lowest tide has scorched into 3-6 meters below the water surface.
Exploring Underwater Padang State by Indrawadi
Living coral reefs found to a depth of 12 meters and at certain parts in the bottom waters found in the form of sand, on flat growth averaging more dominated by the reef coral Acropora tabulate and branching Acropora corals.
Exploring Underwater Padang State by Indrawadi
This location would make a great scuba diving spot, due to considerable depth and water clarity is relatively good, and then covered with a relatively high diversity of corals. When you do the scuba diving here, we have more extra careful, because this location is a char that usually flows more strongly and do not forget to remind the crew or the people on the boats so they are always watching us from above the ship during dives.
Exploring Underwater Padang State by Indrawadi
Sirandah Island
Exploring Underwater Padang State by Indrawadi
Only about 40 minutes from the port of Padang Muaro or approximately 30 minutes from TPI Bunguih, we've reached the island using the boat 80 HP.Pulau this is a relatively small island, located approximately 11 miles from the center of Padang. Every day, dozens of fishing boats coming from the area chart Bunguih anchored in waters around the island for shelter and waited days to go ketengah afternoon sea fishing. The beach consists of fine white sand and gentle. Underwater beauty can be seen all around the island is overgrown by branching Acropora corals from, heliopora, at a depth of 2-3 meters are dominated by the growth of soft corals. Coral growth was found up to a depth of 15 meters makes a beautiful panorama of the sea to be dived.
Exploring Underwater Padang State by Indrawadi
This location is very suitable to serve as scuba diving and snorkeling spot since it is supported by the clarity of the water and diversity of coral reefs are quite solid.
Exploring Underwater Padang State by Indrawadi
As a society of West Sumatra, we should feel proud, because we have tourism potential under the sea which is just as interesting as other regions that have dive sites and places to tour nautical.

When hearing the name of a clown fish, in memory of people will tend to imagine the figure named latin fish Amphiprion ocellaris (Figure 1). Nevertheless, the clown fish is actually comprised of not less than 29 species (Table 1). They all look pretty and funny. Twenty-eight types of clown fish is a species of the genus Amphiprion, while one species is a species of the genus Premnas (Figure 2). Premnas has a special characteristic, namely a "thorn" preoperkularis that were found under her eyes
The whole of this type is the family of Pomacentridae. Thus, if traced back they were still brothers with groups such as the damselfish Chromis, Chrysiptera, and Dascyllus.

Table 1. Clown Fish relatives

Amphiprion akallopisos
Amphiprion mccullochi
Amphiprion akindynos
Amphiprion melanopus
Amphiprion allardi
Amphiprion nigrisep
Amphiprion bicinctus
Amphiprion ocellaris
Amphiprion chagosensi
Amphiprion omanensis
Amphiprion chrysogaster
Amphiprion percula
Amphiprion chrysoptarus
Amphiprion perideraion
Amphiprion clarkii
Amphiprion polymnus
Amphiprion ephippium
Amphiprion rubrocintus
Amphiprion frenatus
Amphiprion sandraracinos
Amphiprion fuscocaudatus
Amphiprion sebae
Amphiprion latezonatus
Amphiprion thiellei
Amphiprion latifasciatus
Amphiprion tricinctus
Amphiprion leukokranos
Premnas biaculeatus

In general, small clown fish. They can achieve their maximum size of 10-15 cm. Brightly colored, body width (height), and equipped with small mouths. Relatively large scales with a unique dorsal fin. Color pattern on this fish is often used as a base in the process of their identification, as well as tooth shape, head and body shape. Color variations may occur in the same species, particularly with respect to distribution locations. For example A clarkii is a species that has spread most widely, so that this species has the most variety of colors (depending on where found) compared with other species of clown fish.

Known clown fish is a fish that has a relatively wide spread of areas, particularly in the area around the Indo Pacific. One species, namely A. bicinctus, known to the Red Sea endemic. They are, in general, found in the lagoon-lagoon around rocky reefs, or on koastal areas with depths less than 50 meters and the water clearly. In the waters of Papua New Guinea, clown fish can be found no less than eight species.

In nature, clown fish consume zooplankton, crustaceans and algae that were found in their habitat.

Reciprocal Relations.

The popularity of clown fish are not separated from simbiosisnya behavior with different types of anemones. Anemones, which, for other types of fish poison, for the clown fish is a safe haven and comfortable. Clown fish are often found hiding, covered, and chatting among the tentacles of the anemone are toxin-tentalel.

In nature, the presence of clowns in the anemone fish can protect it from aggressive fish of several species of fish such as butterfly angle or fish that will eat the tentacles. Conversely clown fish anemone utilize such as a shelter from natural enemies. Without the protection of the anemone, clown fish can only survive a few minutes just before devoured by its enemies.

Living together between two very different kinds of creatures that are often used as examples of harmonious living next door

Clown fish are often also do cleanup duty at the anemone's body is by picking up crumbs, or other impurities that can rid the body of anemones from different types of parasites. Meanwhile, a clown fish themselves often brought food to the anemone.

Like other sea dwellers, clown fish do not actually have the ability to counteract the poison of the anemone. Nevertheless they memilki sniper tactics how to deal with these toxins. Anemone tentacles lined by mucous that has specific content to protect it from shocks other tentacles or stung by the tentacles themselves. Mucus is utilized by the clown fish to protect the body from tentekal anemone sting. Clown fish can survive a few moments of shock tentacles before paralysis. Degan way rub up against her body quickly in the tentacles of a clown fish can be smeared all over his body with tentacles antisengat mucus. Within an hour of a clown fish will be memenyelimuti antisengat entire body with the mucus, so that eventually he will be completely immune to the sting tentacles. Thus, they eventually would be safe to play and are among the anemone tentacles. At night they often sleep with it wrapped in tentacles.

When separated from the anemone clown fish for several hours, they will soon lose its immunity. And to become resistant again they need to adapt and take time as mentioned above.

Each type of clown fish has certain criteria in selecting the anemone. Therefore, at the time of purchase of anemone fish, it would be nice to know first the types if desired anemone clown fish species that will be purchased. Table 2 shows the relationship between the type of clown with anemone fish favorite. With this table are expected to ease in selecting the appropriate types of anemones with clown fish who wants to have.


Unlike other species of fish, clown fish mating behavior showed the opposite characteristics. If the other fish, take a few females to one male, in fact one female clown fish has several male.

Known clown fish can change sex. In addition they have a strict social hierarchy. In one colony of a clown fish that live in the anemone, usually consisting of one adult female dominant male and several smaller ones, as well as some young clown fish. These young fish were all male sex.

If the female dies or disappears, the biology of adult male will change sex to female. Changes will berlangsungan sex for two weeks or more. Then the largest and oldest male there will be a partner dikoloni. Such strategy is known to maintain the continuation of the existence of such a clown fish species. In this case the males are widowed females do not need to seek other females away. As is known, in nature, clown fish, anemones can not leave more than a few yards just to find another female.

Clown fish eggs can produce 300-700 eggs. Diltekan egg on the stones under the cloak anemone. Eggs will be guarded by male clowns until they hatch. Eggs will generally hatch after six or seven days. The next seed would "become" planton sea and washed up. After 15 days adrift, eating and growing, seed will grow into a young clown and get ready for the anemone as a home.

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